Words of Wisdom – Katherine Switzer

In 1967, Katherine Switzer became the first woman to run the Boston Marathon as a numbered entrant. During her run, race official Jock Semple attempted to stop Switzer and grab her official bib; however, he was shoved to the ground by Switzer’s boyfriend, Thomas Miller, who was running with her, and she completed the race. It was not until 1972 that women were allowed to run the Boston Marathon officially. – Wikipedia

She was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame in 2011 for creating a social revolution by empowering women around the world through running. Since 1967, she has worked to improve running opportunities for women in different parts of the world.

In 2015 Kathrine Switzer launched her global non-profit 261 Fearless with an ambassador program, club training system and events. 261 Fearless uses running as the means to empower women to overcome life obstacles and embrace healthy living.

While it is true that most of these quotes are about running a marathon, they are also about not giving up.  Fighting for what you believe in and having the guts to challenge those who stand in your way.  Katherine Switzer was tough, and she helped pave the way for many female runners in the years to follow.


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