Wheelchairs Are Awesome!

Wheelchairs Are Awesome is an inspiring montage of wheelchair users doing extreme sports that might fuel you to try something new!

In this inspiring video created by wheelchair athlete Erik Kondo. Watch fearless athletes perform amazing feats! Skydiving, surfing, downhill skiing, and even aerial circus tricks!

“Erik Kondo has found ways to ride them while in his wheelchair. And while at first, this sounds foolhardy, there is some real logic behind his pioneering way of thinking about movement in a wheelchair. Erik is a strong advocate for finding ways to be free in a wheelchair without expensive equipment.”  – Adaptdefy

Looking for more sports smiles?

Check out our Action Category!

It’s packed full of sports and adventure videos like World’s Fastest Freerunner.

Or the inspiring story of Usani Bolt told in animation with The Boy Who Learned To Fly.


Enchanted Little World is a daily blog highlighting good news, funny videos, happy people and inspiring stories from around the world.  Give each day a “high-five of happiness” with Enchanted Little World.