Video Zone

Grab the popcorn! This awesome spot is great for some kid-friendly entertainment!

All kinds of awesome animations, stop-motion, chain reactions, cool kids, funny animals, behind-the-scenes and more!

So kick back, relax and enjoy the show!

Doodling To Beethoven

Doodling To Beethoven

This entertaining doodling animation set to Beethoven’s 5th symphony takes you on a fun musical ride across a stanza!

The Quantum World

The Quantum World

The Quantum World is an entertaining educational music video that explores the nature of atoms and subatomic particles

Jason Paul: Time Traveller

Jason Paul: Time Traveller

Step back in time to the 17th century with this action-packed freerunning video featuring epic stunts: Jason Paul: Time Traveller.

Comedian Dancing To Theme Song

Comedian Dancing To Theme Song

In this hilarious attempt to “get Ted Danson more work” this comedian & full-time super dances to the Becker theme song for an hour.

Sweet Candy Stop Motion

Sweet Candy Stop Motion

Candy is dandy in this sweet candy stop-motion! Just be warned all these colorful sweets may make you start craving candy!

Lost In Time Animation

Lost In Time Animation

Lost In Time is an imaginative animation about two children on a time-traveling adventures!
Dedicated to all of those who have ever dreamt of time travel.

Worlds Fastest Workers

Worlds Fastest Workers

The World’s Fastest Workers is a surprisingly interesting video featuring people doing ordinary tasks at extreme speeds!

Funny Squirrel Montage

Funny Squirrel Montage

Lindsay Jackson captured this hilarious moment of this surprisingly strong squirrel catching a surprise ride on her backyard bird feeder!

Tom & Jerry Duet

Tom & Jerry Duet

This jazzy Tom & Jerry duet about friendship from their 1992 movie is an uplifting smile.
It just may make you tap your toes too!