Video Zone
Grab the popcorn! This awesome spot is great for some kid-friendly entertainment!
All kinds of awesome animations, stop-motion, chain reactions, cool kids, funny animals, behind-the-scenes and more!
So kick back, relax and enjoy the show!
Coolest Houses in The World
Behold, the coolest houses in the world! Millions of houses exist around the globe, yet only a small fraction of those are truly unique.
Sweet Animation: Tea Time
Have you ever felt out of touch with the latest technology? You may relate to the characters in this sweet animation, Tea Time!
Hospital Creates “Superhero Serum”
In this uplifting good new story – a hospital rebrands a chemotherapy treatment for children as “Superhero Serum”.
Trampoline Tricks In Slow Motion
Nothing defies gravity quite like trampoline tricks in slow motion! Remember those summer days as a kid wishing you had a trampoline?
Kids Meet Hockey Heroes
This uplifting video montage has awesome moments of happy kids getting to meet their hockey heroes!
Six Simple Science Experiments
Get inspired to have some science fun with this video that demonstrates six science experiments that kids will love.
Amazing 7 Year Old Surfer
Check out this amazing 7-year-old surfer Quincy Symonds, better known as “The Flying Squirrel” who is taking the world by storm!
Real Life Fruit Ninja
Real Life Fruit Ninja is an awesome slow-motion video of juicy fruit getting sliced by some awesome ninja moves!
Journey Into Orion
Journey into a nebula and explore the beautiful Orion Nebula with this colorful video by Hubble Telescope set to classical music.