Video Zone

Grab the popcorn! This awesome spot is great for some kid-friendly entertainment!

All kinds of awesome animations, stop-motion, chain reactions, cool kids, funny animals, behind-the-scenes and more!

So kick back, relax and enjoy the show!

Kids Funny Costumes

Kids Funny Costumes

Get some funny kid’s costume ideas and share a laugh with his showcase of 10 creative last-minute costume suggestions!

9 Fun Science Experiments

9 Fun Science Experiments

Have some fun with one of these simple and satisfying nice science experiments for kids! Discover how to create colorful kinetic sand, a bouncing egg, GAK bubbles, elephant toothpaste, and more!

Giagantic Marble Run

Giagantic Marble Run

The team of friends behind 5 Mad Movie Makers has succeeded! This awesome marble run weaves 544 feet of track through an entire house!

Whimsical Puppetry Music Video

Whimsical Puppetry Music Video

This whimsical puppetry music video about forgotten toys is a great way to light up the imaginations of young and old!

GoPro: NHL Perspective

GoPro: NHL Perspective

Get a professional NHL hockey player’s perspective from the eyes of hockey players wearing GoPro’s with this video GoPro: NHL Perspective.

Dancing Stormtroopers

Dancing Stormtroopers

Did you know Stormtroopers love to get down and dance?
Watch them show off their awesome moves in this funny video, Dancing Stormtroopers!

Sponge Bob Meets Star Wars

Sponge Bob Meets Star Wars

Watch SpongeBob meets Star Wars them play an animated funny tribute in honor of Star Wars fan day, May the 4th!

Real-Life Aladdin Prank!

Real-Life Aladdin Prank!

This real-life Aladdin cruising through the city on his magic flying board lights up some happy and surprised smiles in the city!