Silly Symphony: The Tortoise & The Hare

This old-school Walt Disney animation from the Silly Symphony series tells the classic fable of The Tortoise & The Hare.

Silly Symphony is a series of 75 animated short films produced by Walt Disney Productions from 1929 to 1939. As their name implies, the Silly Symphonies were originally intended as whimsical accompaniments to pieces of music. As such, the films usually had independent continuity and did not feature continuing characters.

The Tortoise meanwhile kept going slowly but steadily, and, after a time, passed the place where the Hare was sleeping…

Looking for more classic cartoons? Check out our Retro Category!

It’s packed full of cool content and videos from past good times!

Check out The Cat Came Back for another classic tale!

Or for a classic retro tune, check out this sweet Tom & Jerry Duet.


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