The Science Of Happiness

This visual infographic explores some interesting science behind happiness.

Whether it’s a loved one, a pet, a funny show, or a sweet treat, we all have things that we know make us happy. But did you know that there are also some biological factors that affect how happy we are?

“From the food we eat to room temperature, there are thousands of factors that play a role in how our brains work and the moods that we are in.
Understanding these factors can be helpful in achieving lasting happiness.” WebFX

Did this neat infographic make you want to learn more about science and happiness?
Check out 4 Ways Science Is Helping Kids Lead Healthier, Happier Lives.

Looking for some more fun facts? Check out our Learn Category.

It’s packed full of interesting infographics and educational videos.

If you’re looking for some more we suggest Engaging Four Generations.

Or this fun infographic, The Power Of Play.


Enchanted Little World is a daily blog highlighting good news, funny videos, happy people and inspiring stories from around the world.  Give each day a “high-five of happiness” with Enchanted Little World.