The Colorful History Of Creating Colours

This interesting infographic paints a descriptive chronological history of how colors were created and evolved over time.

Nowadays our world is filled with colors. We have endless amounts of color options when we choose to dress, paint or describe something.

Can you imagine living in a time where each limited color had to be mixed with specially gathered ingredients such as dirt, iron, and even cow pee?

This neat chart was created by Korwin Briggs, the imaginative artist behind Veritable Hokum.

“A comic about mostly history, maybe science, and probably some other stuff, too.” 

Visit his amazing website to see more of his creative work.

“Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Looking to learn some more fun facts?

Check out our Fun Category! It’s packed full of interesting & visual infographics like this!

Learn about some amazing ocean dwellers with 32 Strange Sea Creatures.

Or learn about the history of candy with The Sweet History Of Candy.


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