Stop Motion

The Stop-motion technique dates all the way back to the late 1800s.

We think stop-motion is such a cool style of creation we wanted to showcase it here!

“It’s like a magic trick, taking real things, real sets, and making them come to life with movement. – Joe Clokey

Christmas Shape Stop-Motion

Christmas Shape Stop-Motion

This heartwarming Christmas shape stop-motion about the gift of giving presents was created for Yo Gabba Gabba

Lego Christmas Spirit

Lego Christmas Spirit

The classic holiday expression “It is better to give than to receive” is the theme of this festive stop-motion short “Lego Christmas Spirit!”

Cool Street Time-Lapse

Cool Street Time-Lapse

This cool street time-lapse of a filmmaker montaging different walks gives you a unique perspective of time and surroundings

Colorful Play-Doh Planet

Colorful Play-Doh Planet

Play-Doh planet is a super cool collaboration video between imaginative children and talented artists using Play-Doh!

Rock-Paper-Scissors Commecial

Rock-Paper-Scissors Commecial

This powerful commercial about bullying prevention uses the rock, paper, and scissors from the popular kid’s game as the characters.

Largest Stop-Motion Animation

Largest Stop-Motion Animation

The amazing short film set on the beach holds the world record holder for the “largest stop-motion animation set” spanning 11,000 square feet!