Stop Motion
The Stop-motion technique dates all the way back to the late 1800s.
We think stop-motion is such a cool style of creation we wanted to showcase it here!
“It’s like a magic trick, taking real things, real sets, and making them come to life with movement. – Joe Clokey
Stop-Motion About Seasons
A magical stop-motion journey through the changing seasons—crafted from food! 🍱
Watch as Spring blossoms, Fall leaves tumble, and Winter snowflakes dance! ❄️🌸
LEGO Thanksgiving Stop-Motion Feast 🦃
Watch as a creative family whips up a delicious Thanksgiving dinner brick by brick in this delightful LEGO Thanksgiving stop-motion adventure.
OK Go’s Autumn Serenade: Last Leaf
Last Leaf is a great artistic video from the endlessly creative band OK Go showcasing a beautiful Autumn story told on images burned into toast.
Enchanting Woodland Stop-Motion
This unique enchanting woodland stop-motion “Plants” is a delicate, detailed diorama created entirely from paper!
The Garden Ape
The Garden Ape is an enchanting stop-motion created by imaginative filmmaking dup who hoped to inspire others to spend time in their garden.
Lego Adventure Time!
Adventure Time fans will truly appreciate this detailed Lego Adventure Tim version of the show’s intro. It’s a magical world!
Clean Cut To Mountain Man
Ever been amazed at a loved one’s beard transformation?
This is an epic time-lapse from clean-cut to mountain man in 40 seconds!
Sweet Stop-Motion Love Story
This sweet stop-motion love story tells the tale of a daydreaming little girl who gets a glimpse into her future love life.
Papa Cloudy’s Desert Stop-Motion
Papa Cloudy’s Desert is a sweet stop-motion series about a gentle cloud who is hired to bring rain to the desert.