Solar Energy Powers Puerto Rico

Did you know that solar energy is responsible for powering Puerto Rico during those pesky hurricanes and powerful island storms?

This is an amazing short story showcasing how architect Jonathan Marvel, originally from Puerto Rico built “Resilient Power Puerto”.

His mission is to harness solar energy to bring power back to the island.  While in the midst of a humanitarian crisis during the aftermath of hurricane Irma, their solar micro-grids brought power to 20 community centres and helped over 100,000 people in the process.

This grid is used as an emergency island supply every few years while Puerto Rico continues to encounter hurricanes.

This video was created by Great Big Story.

“Great Big Story is a video network dedicated to the untold, overlooked & flat-out amazing. Humans are capable of incredible things & we’re here to tell their stories. When a rocket lands in your backyard, you get in.”

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Enchanted Little World is a daily blog highlighting good news, funny videos, happy people and inspiring stories from around the world.  Give each day a “high-five of happiness” with Enchanted Little World.