Lego Makes Bricks To Help Teach Braille

LEGO has been combining Imagination, compassion, and innovation to create a new pilot project.

Their goal is to help visually impaired and blind children learn the Braille alphabet using the bumps on the Lego bricks as textile teaching tools.

The unique “Braille Bricks” will be specially built to replica the Braille alphabet yet remain fully compatible with the traditional Lego bricks. The bricks will also feature a printed character, allowing sighted and visually impaired to interact together.

“With thousands of audiobooks and computer programs now available, fewer kids are learning to read Braille,”
Philippe Chazal, Treasurer of the European Blind Union. “

“Braille users often are more independent, have a higher level of education, and have better employment opportunities. We strongly believe LEGO Braille Bricks can help boost the level of interest in learning Braille, so we’re thrilled that the LEGO Foundation is making it possible to further this concept and bring it to children around the world,” 

Watch a short video on the amazing LEGO Braille Bricks below. And be sure to check out our Lego Land Category!

Find out more about this project on the  LEGO official website.

This article was inspired by The Good News network.

“ gathering and dissemination of positive news stories from around the globe, confirming what people already know — that good news itself is not in short supply; the broadcasting of it is.”


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