Jedi Force Prank

Welcome to the hilarious and silly Jedi Force prank video, featuring a young ‘Jedi in training’ ordering a hot dog.

The prank combines the illusion of “the force” with the plain old gullibility of the unsuspecting public.

Take a look into what it might be like to run into a Jedi in training on the street!

“It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.” Obi-Wan Kenobi

Looking for more giggles? Check out our Laugh Category!

It’s packed full of funny videos and comics like this one!

For another prank video we suggest Grandma’s Super Soaker.

Or for more magic smiles we recommend Magic Duel: Jack Black vs Zach King.


Enchanted Little World is a daily blog highlighting good news, funny videos, happy people and inspiring stories from around the world.  Give each day a “high-five of happiness” with Enchanted Little World.