Educational ABC Dinosaur Chart

The word dinosaur comes from the Greek language and means ‘terrible lizard’?

During the prehistoric time, it is estimated thousands of different dinosaurs roamed our Earth for Dinosaurs walked the earth for over 165 million years.!

 Discover some fun facts on 26 different types of dinosaurs arranged alphabetically in this visual chart.  

BONUS JOKE:Why do museums have old dinosaur bones?
Because they can’t afford new ones!

ROAR! If your looking to learn more about Dinosaurs check out this cool Dinosaur Timeline. Or, if your looking for for a laugh, check out Funny Dinosaur Comics.

ABC Of Dinosaur’s was created by Mocomi.

“Mocomi aims at learning through storytelling. Storytelling the manner of teaching helps kids register more and easily understand difficult concepts. Our interactive and easily understood content with visually stimulated animation makes it attractive, fun and enjoyable experience for all.”


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