Crazy Coffee Facts

Learn about the legend of coffee and some crazy facts about one of the world’s most beloved beverages below. It’s time for another cup!

There is a popular Ethiopian legend wherein coffee is discovered by a goat herder named Kaldi.

The story says the herder found his goats frolicking and full of energy after eating the red fruit of the coffee shrub. Kaldi tried the fruit for himself and had a similar reaction.

Thus the stimulating properties of the coffee bean were revealed and greatness follows.

This coffee infographic was created by Infographic Journal.

“Infographic Journal is an infographic archive that focuses solely on showcasing the best infographics all in place. Also referred to as “information graphics,” infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge.”

If you are interested in more please check out our Infographics page.

It’s packed full of infographics and educational topics.

We recommend checking out The History of Colour.

Or for a laugh, you might enjoy When Cats Drink Coffee.


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